9323 PERRIN BEITEL # 205
San Antonio, TX 78217
Store Hours
MON-FRI: 11:AM - 6PM
SAT: 11AM - 4PM
SUN: 1PM - 4PM
Zildjian K 22" Light Ride - K0832
The K Light range now also features a 22" K Light Ride to complement the existing 24" model. The 22" K Light Ride features the same "smoky" sound and excellent stick definition of the 24" model but in a smaller, more controllable size. The ride is perfect for rock, jazz, country, or anything else you throw at it.
Specs and Features:
- Size: 22"
- Model: K0832
- Cymbal Type: Ride
- Traditional Finish
- Low to Mid Pitch
- Dark to Mid Sound
- General Volume
- Weight: Thin
If you have any questions or would like to bundle multiple items, feel free to reach out and contact us!