9323 PERRIN BEITEL # 205
San Antonio, TX 78217
Store Hours
MON-FRI: 11:AM - 6PM
SAT: 11AM - 4PM
SUN: 1PM - 4PM
Meinl Pure Alloy Custom Medium Thin 19" Crash - PAC19MTC
Pure Alloy Custom
Meinl had received many requests for thinner models in the Pure Alloy line. After testing many options, Meinl wanted to add a selection of medium-thin weights to the lineup. They produce a slightly softer attack with a warmer body and faster decay, while maintaining the bright shimmer and sustain that Pure Alloy is known for.
Made in Germany from Pure Alloy bronze and hammered into shape. To make these cymbals stand out, Meinl applied a new finish on top called custom smoked-bronze and polished the bottom to a brilliant finish. These new cymbals will be a unique and beautiful addition to any drum kit.
Featuring a custom smoked-bronze top and brilliant bottom, Pure Alloy Custom crashes are slightly warmer with a bright cut and shimmering response. These crashes have a faster decay due to their medium-thin weight.