9323 PERRIN BEITEL # 205
San Antonio, TX 78217
Store Hours
MON-FRI: 11:AM - 6PM
SAT: 11AM - 4PM
SUN: 1PM - 4PM
Ludwig Raw Bronze Phonic 5x14" Snare Drum w/ Tube Lugs
Bronze Phonic
Crafted under the Ludwig Phonic snare drum design principles, Bronze Phonic snare drums produce unrivaled tonal characteristics with knock-you-down power and projection. Our state-of-the-art construction methods coupled with bronze alloy ensure an exceptional balance in tone and consistency from drum to drum. This seamless shell design takes advantage of bronzes well known musical qualities from centuries of cymbal making. Wood like warmth and crispy mid-range coupled with the presence of a brass drum, bronze is an unrivaled sound in the world of metal snare drum.
- 1.2mm Seamless Bronze Shell
- 2.3mm Steel Triple Flanged Hoops
- P88AC Throw Off
- P35P Butt Plate
- 10 lugs
- Tube Lugs
- 5x14"